Sharing knowledge is what we do, to pass on what we carry to the next generations. Indigenous teachings are sacred , what's shared is public and what's not is kept for reasons like ceremony or belonging to families.

Ways I share can often be universal connections and transferable knowledge that we can use together when doing work in a good way.

In todays time we can transform and transfer our knowledge in a respectful way. join me in various practices we can share in way like :

Music Creation & Composition

Indigenous Decolonization Methods

Education connections through teachings and understandings.

Toolkit & Curriculum Development

Salish Poetry & Storytelling

Cedar, Wool & Beading Workshops

Land Acknowledgement & Protocol

Hip Hop Performance

Master of Ceremonies

we can work together through proper dialogue consultation and find the best path forward.

People of the River Grass Workshop Offerings now available!

1) History of Vancouver

Sharing personal and historical connections about the land and ways of being . Hear about what it was like pre contact and how land and teachings are used in today’s time .

Using circle process and sharing tools of how universal knowledges can connect and be used for teaching and sharing

We will also learn how to connect land protocols when visiting different communities .

Learn about how the Musqueam peoples historically lived on the land and learn how to introduce yourself in musqueam language..

2) Collective poetry

Learn poetry techniques and creative ways of expression through writing

Working individually and as a collective creating poetry connecting to ones self expression. Focus on culture, teachings , land , plant medicine and self empowerment .

Learn poetry basic structuring

How do we identify our connections to our communities/lands/languages?

How can one voice become a collective message?

Write a poem as a collective

3. Empowerment through Hip Hop

Visit the history of hop hop to present day indigenous hip hop . Learn how hip hop culture influenced change in communities through conscious connections through breaking , emceeing , DJ ,beatbox & graffiti.

This is a visual & musical presentation no dancing is involved.

4. Salish wool bracelets or Cedar rose weaving (2 separate workshops)

Learn about coast Salish weaving in particular Musqueam knowledge sharing . Connecting to art , culture , math and science.

Each student will make 1 or 2 bracelets with wool or cedar rose while learning about gathering / processing and weaving teachings.

5. Salish Drum dance and song

Enjoy song presentations that hold histories and stories. Get up and learn how Salish people dance and use another animal interpretations.

6. Drum or Rattle making workshops (2 separate workshops)

Learn how to make a drum or rattle with natural resources from the land and seas.

7. Cultural Protocol Education

In this time of “reconciliation “ let’s learn what it truly means to work together and ways of respectfully following protocols when gathering or speaking to the indigenous histories. This presentation will go into the histories of Canada and ways its affected understandings , using transferable indigenous knowledge we can share a new path.

8. Custom workshops designed to fit topic or event . Please email me so we can chat about what your looking for .

Workshops are 1-2hours in length and longer when making drums or rattles. Group sizes and full day presentations can be customized.